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My Book on Strategic Decision Making

My Book on Strategic Decision Making
Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process

Saturday, October 01, 2022

BHELPURI THOUGHTS - On Innovation and Enterpreneurship with poems and stories of my times (Paperback edition)




became a Physical paperback book

available at Amazon ( all over the world) 


and at AMAZON.COM for US

Saturday, August 13, 2022

When Fiction and Non-Fiction are merged - BHELPURI THOUGHTS

 From #BhelpuriThoughts

Bhelpuri Thoughts - On Innovation and Entrepreneurship with Poems and Stories of my Times

- releasing on 15th August 2022

The New
The New Me
And the New You
Must have
to be
War and Peace Mix
War is always on, As is Peace
Both Exist – Together –
Same time, Same space, Same mind
And this Mix of War and Peace is not what it used to be
Peace-War Mix has changed, is changing -
A dynamic
Evolving and natural
Just like LIFE
My Heart
Experiences Freedom
It is allowed to
To Evolve in Life
Running behind words
I got just

#entrepreneurship #innovation #Poems #StartUps #creativity #Life

have you pre-ordered it yet !

Thursday, August 11, 2022

BHELPURI THOUGHTS - On Innovation and Entrepreneurship with Poems and Stories of my times

 BHELPURI THOUGHTS: On Innovation and Entrepreneurship with Poems and Stories of my times by [Navneet  Bhushan]

BHELPURI THOUGHTS: On Innovation and Entrepreneurship with Poems and Stories of my times


Book is available for Pre-Order on Kindle 


Releasing on 15th August 2022 !


Pre-order at Amazon .com


if you are in India - order here



BHELPURI is a serving of puffed rice in spicy sauces with onion, coriander and other condiments. The interesting ingredient of bhelpuri is the puri (a wafer), which is edible and serves as a spoon. Bhelpuri though associated with city of Mumbai, has found its variants all across India and in fact the globe.

Metaphorically, Bhelpuri can also map to the French word “potpourri”, a veritable collection of odds and ends. The ingenuity of the bhelpuri server lies in adding different ingredients into the sauce createing unique flavours. It also could reflects the multitude of activities that is a part of life. Our disordered thoughts when they get manifested and expressed, potentially could be unique, tangy and mouth watering - most important - fulfilling and meaningful.

I hope you will get a taste of Bhelpuri – reading this small book and savor the flavors slowly!

Let us meet

Thoughts that arise inside my mind are so diverse and are influenced by so many triggers that it is impossible to capture them all. Surprise that they became stories and poems over a period of time in my life. Further, many of these started as questions in my professional work as a scientist, researcher in applied software science and then as an entrepreneur and an innovation consultant. Most of these were unplanned – perhaps therefore real and pure – from deep inside me. The small poems that I call thought-snippets are windows to my mind and feelings over multiple years of passing through life. The stories – some of them happened because of specific events, some my mind imagined and created. The articles on innovation and starting up on developing an idea are part of potential ways and means to achieve your goals and ends. The key is these are not straight forward as steps in a process or an algorithm. All these are interlinked in ways that you - dear reader - have to find on your own.

The question is why these thoughts occur and why I expressed them in these articles, poems and stories? It is a mystery and a personal journey to understand myself. Who am I? Why am I? What am I? Why do we exist? Why does the universe exist? The questions remained unanswered to me. Experts were ignorant of my questions


On War
On everything else And love -
Experts are Ignorant

Mind gets vibrations coming from multiple directions, from variety of events, triggers and experiences. These for me became my thoughts. Then were manifested into multiple artifacts – the articulation form took articles, poems and stories. Looking back at these, it gives a flow of my mind in different dimensions and directions.

Perhaps these will connect with you at some points and paths – lets meet and feel each other’s hearts at least once – welcome!

The Book has five parts
Part 1 is on Innovation, Starting-up, Entrepreneurship and Global Changes. Part 2, Part 4, and Part 5 are Poems of various aspects and dimensions written over different periods, collated on specific themes or aspects. Part 3 has short stories written during the decade of 1985-1995.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022



Cost of National Defence Index (CNDI) – Towards Affordable and Commensurate Armed Forces for India


By Navneet Bhushan



We define a new metric - Cost of National Defence Index (CNDI). The armed forces sizing Index (AFSI), proposed earlier showed the minimum of one soldier supporting and supported by 1000 citizens should be the sizing threshold for design of a nation’s military. Further, we showed from the data that Indian military and thus Indian soldier is only major military force that is close to the minimum threshold. AFSI was discussed at

This article is a continuation of our effort to develop a comprehensive model for a nation in general and India in particular, for design of commensurate, affordable, and sufficient armed forces. We wrote in the AFSI article, “This analysis neither takes into account the economics nor the affordability of such a force. It does not include the level of GDP, technological factors, threat levels and doctrinal innovation either.” To include level of GDP along with the AFSI, we propose and have developed the CNDI metric. Besides the GDP, this metric takes into account the respective defence budgets of nations as available in IISS Military Balance. The defence budgets of various countries are not incorporating the same inputs. For example, India includes pensions into the budget. Not so in China or the US and most other countries. Similarly, China does not include the construction of accommodation, for the PLA or the communication infrastructure into their defence budget. Obviously, the variations and definitions of defence budget definition of various nations are not consistent and same.

For that matter, GDP figures as well. In the 2014 book, “GDP - A brief but affectionate history”, Diane Coyle says, “GDP is the way we measure and compare how well or badly countries are doing. But this is not a question of measuring a natural phenomenon like land mass or average temperature to varying degrees of accuracy. GDP is a made-up entity.” The author further states, “(GDP is) an abstract statistic derived in extremely complicated ways, yet one that has tremendous importance”. If GDP computation and its “design” by different nations is not really consistent and “accurate”, the defence budget of a nation can never be indeed. However, within the constraints of statistical wizardry of various stakeholders, we accept that these published figures do give us a semblance of some direction indeed.

The CNDI proposed in this article is an integrated metric that combines key indicators of a country’s economic progress and the design of its armed forces commensurate with its economic situation. This is a novel approach and a new metric to measure the integrated view of a nation. Of the 15 countries for whom we calculated the CNDI for 5 years of 2009, 2014, 2020, 2021 and 2022, India’s Cost of National Defence Index is the maximum at an average of close to 20. This we propose is not sustainable for the long term and India need specific strategic and policy design measures to balance the factors contributing to the CNDI. We suggest few pointers in this article. Before, however, we define and discuss the CNDI.

A Macro Model

There are four key factors at the macro levels that one need to consider to find the picture of affordability of Military by a nation

·        Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per year in USD terms (G)

·        Population of the country (P)

·        Defence Budget that is allocated/spent per year in USD terms (D)

·        Number of active soldiers that the nation is maintaining per year (S)


First, we define two simple ratios

GDP per Capita is a well-known, G/P. It supposedly provides a truer picture of economy of a country, despite all the issues in how GDP is computed and the availability and manipulation of data that goes into estimation and declaration of GDP;

Defence Budget per Active Soldier is a new metric proposed (D/S) to indicate the type of military force that is being maintained. The assumption being if this ratio is higher, i.e., nation spend more on defence and maintain a specific number of military manpower as active soldiers, it needs to balance this ratio not only from the number of active soldiers’ perspectives but also their equipment, weapon systems and support systems. We consider the defence budget to be a surrogate for the weapons, technology, etc. How effective and how lethal these systems are not being considered explicitly as of now in our model.

Next, we define the Cost of National Defence Index (CNDI). This is the ratio of the two metrics defined above, ratio of Defence Budget per soldier and GDP per capita.

CNDI = Defence Budget per Soldier (in USD) terms/GDP per Capita (in USD) terms, i.e.,

CNDI = (D/S)/(G/P)


Cost of National Defence Index (CNDI)

We have computed below the CNDI for 15 countries of interest including US, China, Russia, Pakistan, UK, France, Japan, Turkey, Israel and of course India, for the years 2009, 2014 and 3 contiguous years 2020-2022, using IISS Military Balance data.

The higher this factor more the cost of national defence. It is a clear indicator that if you want to have national defence capability affordable for your size, you need to have GDP commensurate to your population. Otherwise, the load on the population and the economy to maintain the oversized national defence will be non-affordable and will have serious consequences of sustaining your economy as well as national defence. The underlying axiom is that every nation has to balance the maintenance of cost-intensive military force and capability with the economic growth of the nation.


As one can clearly see from the data above, of all countries in the year 2009, India has the highest cost of national defence Index (CNDI), i.e., 21.03. The index can be interpreted as 21.03 citizens yearly earnings in the year 2009 went to the upkeep of one soldier and his associated military equipment and systems. This is the highest cost in our data for 15 key countries. CNDI for US, China, UK and Pakistan are below 10.0 as can be seen in the table. Next, let us study the CNDI for the year 2022 below. It can be seen that the CNDI for India continues to be above 20 although it has come down slightly compared to what it was in 2009. But for others, e.g., US it has come down from 9.43 to 7.9, while for China it has reduced slightly from 8.81 to 8.46. If it is of any consolation one can point out that for Pakistan it has increased from 7.68 to 13.20. But still, it is much below India’s CNDI which is above 20.

We computed the CNDI for 15 nations for few intermediate years as mentioned, which we will present in the last section. Before we present and analyze the CNDI, let us study the evolution of the constituent metrics and their interrelationship.

Defence Budget (USD terms) per Soldier Vs GDP (USD) per Citizen

We divided our list of 15 countries into 2 sets – one set contains those nations which has high GDP/capita – 7 countries are included in this list – USA, Japan, UK, France, Germany, Israel and South Korea. For 2022, the yearly GDP per capita of these countries was above 40,000 USD. The remaining 8 countries, namely- China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Egypt, and Indonesia, are relatively low yearly GDP per capita countries. We also present plots of the two metrics that constitute the CNDI, i.e., GDP per capita and Defence Budget per Soldier. GDP/Capita is on X-axis and Defence Budget/Soldier is at Y-axis. Plots are for year 2022. We show below the 2022 data for high GDP and low GDP countries in our list in two different tables and also plot their GDP/capita with Defence Budget/Soldier in the charts that follow.






The Cost of National Defence Index (CNDI) evolution (2009, 2014, 2020-2022)

Below we present the evolution of the CNDI (Cost of National Defence Index) i.e., ratio of Defence Budget per Soldier and GDP per capita. CNDI calculated and presented are for 2009, 2014 and 3 more years 2020-2022. It can be seen that Indian CNDI was at 21.03 in 2009. That means 21 citizens earnings had to support one soldier and the related defence equipment, weapon systems etc, for India. In fact, this ratio is highest for India in 2009 compared to all other countries in our list. Contrast this number to say Pakistan, which indicates 10 citizens supporting one soldier and defence budget for Pakistan. In 2009, 7.68 citizen earnings were supporting a Pakistani-Soldier and Defence dollar spent. The 2014, data shows that as Indian GDP/Capita grew in 2014, the CNDI reduced to 16.98. This is substantial reduction. However, in 2020 CNDI for India is 18.53 and thereafter it has been around 20. Taking the average CNDI of all 5 years, it is clear that India has been at 20 while all others have been below the CNDI of 10 except Pakistan which is having an average CNDI of 10.55.


CNDI is a macro-indicator of holistic and integrated nature of national defence and national growth. India not balanced it at all, that is clearly indicated in the charts from 2009. Let us look at China and even Iran is progressing towards the right higher per capita GDP and also building a national defence with commensurate and affordable defence budget per soldier. They have done this by balancing technology investment, doctrinal and force structural changes by reducing the pure manpower driven forces. Of course, also increasing their per capita GDP, through economic upliftment of their population.


It is greatly instructive for India. This is the key result from the analysis. India stands alone with unsustainable cost of national defence as reflected in the CNDI. With an average of 20 times per capita GDP, it spends highest for defence per soldier which is highest in the world (at least in the list of 15 major nations that we considered).


Conclusions and Re-design of Indian national defence

We have four levers to re-design our policies for national economic growth as well as national defence - increase GDP, manage population, manage defence budget, manage armed forces numbers. Obvious isn’t it!


What we can however see through the new metric of CNDI is not so obvious and trivial. The cost of not doing a holistic and comprehensive analysis and policy design based on these entangled four levers. We have to design an India where the cost of national defence index (CNDI) is systematically reduced by balancing the technology as in defence budget, managing the number of armed forces we need, leveraging and maximizing the potential of our young population in a way that the GDP per capita is increased. The holistic policies are needed else we are in an unsustainable mode.


We can optimize by defining the capability and developing effectiveness through a combination of innovative means at technology, doctrine, force design, and strategic design including diplomacy. Obviously, the criticality of the problem is not considered as a crisis leading to potential disaster as the design by our foes (read China) friends (USSR/Russia) and fair-weather friends (US) and interest-based friends (France) has not been read holistically by us and response has been piece-meal, contextual, transactional and reactive to say the least. 


We need proactive design of India. First the objective should be clearly considered. Secondly, the teeth-to-tail ratio need to be considered from the type of teeth that are needed and can be made available in new tech warfare. These of course should include cyber, Electronic Warfare (EW), etc. The tail of armed forces in the new warfare may actually be the new teeth. Indian armed forces need to design and develop teeth from what has traditionally been considered the tail. We believe, there is fundamentally a design approach issue. If we have to begin, lets begin with holistic thinking and understanding. Create the structure of the whole design with multiple impact analysis carried out.  Then one can prioritise. However, in the absence of any national security architecture or design of national security doctrine, we will continue to be blind men exploring an elephant. Perhaps CNDI metric, proposed above, can actually show us the type of elephant Indian economic system is and what type and form it should take ahead.



Author is indebted and would like to acknowledge and thank Lt. Gen. JS Bajwa, for the editorial remarks and inputs. These inputs have improved the article and potentially clarified very specific gaps for the reader of the article.



Navneet Bhushan (Navneet) worked as a Scientist in DRDO from 1990-2000. He is founder director of CRAFITTI CONSULTING ( – an Strategy, Technology, Innovation and Intellectual Property Consulting firm focused on co-crafting solutions for global problems. He regularly writes on defence and security. He is the principal author of Strategic Decision Making- Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process published by Springer-Verlag, UK, as part of the Decision Engineering Series. Navneet Blogs at can be contacted at navneet(dot)bhushan(at) crafitti(dot)com

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