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My Book on Strategic Decision Making

My Book on Strategic Decision Making
Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process

Monday, September 26, 2011

4 Fundamentals of STEMIC TCP MODEL

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

6 Ds of Digital Marketing

After Teaching three different MBA courses in different schools in last two years - I have now the model for Digital Marketing that I call 6D model

The 6 Ds are

1. DISCOVER - Your business, your market, your social network, your customers or even yourself

2. DEFINE - What is your business and what is the key message of your business

3. DESCRIBE - Elaborate what you defined by describing in detail the customer value that your business is creating or will be creating

4. DEVELOP - Develop the messages/communications for all possible channels - print, TV, online, Email, social networks, micro blog, blog of your company, SMS, and online videos and all possible channels.

5. DEPLOY - Start deploying with an initial design in mind for creating Tipping Point by finding Mavens/salesmen/connectors in the networks of your choice, but before that make your product/service sticky. If you follow Duncan Watts of Small world fame, may be just start telling the crowd.

6. DEDUCE - whatever is happening you need to find out how its happening. Carry out what I call Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM) Promoter Score - a combo of Net Promoter Score and Tipping Point framework.

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