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Wednesday, November 26, 2008


In the Globalizing Innovation compleXity (GIXBang) world, what are the dimensions that enterprises - large and small need to focus on? Before we explore this question, let me explain the GIXBang world as I characterized it sometime back at this post
I think - GIX will change the actors and the rules will be defined and created as the GIX Bang move faster and faster. So all those actors who want to follow command and control and want to control GIX Perestroika and GIX Glasnost (remember Gorbachev in late 1980s) - should really understand the GIXBang - it is all about co-creation. If you are not co-creating, you are out!

What should Enterprises focus on in the GIXBang World?

The DIXGLEACK Model gives nine dimensions or pillars for crafting success in the GIXBang World. These dimensions are:

1. Decision Making: How does the enterprise make decisions at all levels? This is not a trivial question. Despite the centuries of work, it is not known. In fact, typically this is not studied. Understand how decisions are made and create a continuous improvement capability to make decisions at all levels of the enterprise. Decisions need to be Engineered!

2. Innovation: How does the enterprise innovates? This is also a non-trivial question. Innovation need to be crafted at all levels of the enterprise.

3. compleXity: How does the enterprise embrace complexity? Does the enterprise optimize complexity at all levels? compleXity need to be Embraced?

4. Globalization: How does the enterprise explore its globalization and how does the enterprise experiment with globalization? The pace at which globalization need to happen should be balanced. Globalization need to be Explored and Experimented with?

5. Learning: How does the enterpise design Learning at all levels. Traditionally enterprises are not designed to learn. Learning requires relaxed alterness, experience immersion, active processing of experiences. Learning need to be designed in the enterprise.

6. Entropy: Meaure of disorder is enterprise entropy. How to utilize entropy rather than demolish enterprise structure is a question that needs to be answered through continuous exploration. Entropy need to be utlized for ideation and exploration.

7. Adaptability: How does the enterprise adapts to change. As we know the best way to adapt to change is to create it. Still there are extreneous factors that need to be understood as change is part of evolution anyway. Adapability should be the inherent mindset of the enterprise.

8. Customer Value: The most important reason that enterprise exists is that it has customers. What value it is delivering and how to continuously enhance the value should be paramount for the enterprise. Everything else is part of delivering value.

9. Knowledge: This is such a cliched area that what knowledge managers does for the enterprise as of now, need to be relooked. It is about ignorance realization. The more you know, more you know how less you know, is the vicious circle of knowledge. Knowledge should be based on Continuous Ignorance Exploration.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Making India Happen

The Question to Ask is
" How to Make India Happen" -
If the world has to progress or may be continue to exist - it is becoming clear - India has to Happen - Else world has no hope!

The young minds will be here in near term, medium term and in long-term.
I think all of us - whether we are in India, outside India, Indians or non-Indians, need to MAKE INDIA HAPPEN!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Small Start-ups with Funny Names - are needed

"the small start-ups with funny names get founded and get funded." Says Google's CEO Schmidt as reported in the article here

When we were starting Crafitti (Crafitti Consulting Private Limited) we tries to search for many names - thought and thought about what they could be then sort of looked at Graffiti as a metaphor for innovation emergence. Yet we needed to convey that it can be crafted hence CRAFITTI!
We look forward to more start-ups to work with us!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Innovation, Ignorance, Serendipity and Letting it happen

The detailed post combining many points in the blogpost titled The emergence of Serendipity 2.0 and Innovation 2.0 gives multiple articulations by many on the concept of Innovation Emergence. The post starts with a simple para and I quote,
In the past many discoveries and innovations have come by accident or by chance, rather than a team hurting their heads with too much innovation think, “no matter how much I try I just can’t think of an innovation”. It doesn’t usually happen if you sit around doing nothing, it happens when you are involved in life, participating, interacting, only it’s not what your chasing, it’s what happened on the way, it’s what’s triggered, it’s the accidents (the gifts from the gods;) etc…

I liked the line "It doesn’t usually happen if you sit around doing nothing, it happens when you are involved in life, participating, interacting"

It is satisfying to note that the author found two posts from innovationcrafting to be quoted - it seems he found after the post was written and hence he included these afterwards

and second is the proposal to create an IGNORANCE MANAGEMENT Initiative

Continuous focus on trying to improve and change what you are doing leads to innovation and it happens through tinkering, failing, learning, experimenting and ultimately - LIVING!

The question to ask is - how many of us are living LIFE!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

New Services from Crafitti - Facilitated Kaizen Blitz and Technological Alternatives Study (TAS) on a Patent

We at Crafitti consulting have started two unique services
1. Facilitated Kaizen Blitz
2. Technological Alternatives Study (TAS) on Patent

The posts at the Crafitti Blog explains these in much detail (Click on the links below)

Technological Alternatives Study (TAS) on a Patent
We already completed one project each in each of these streams from Crafitti and I must say these were immensely satisfying - the results and impact that these created at our client organization.

These services are in line with our promise of going beyond innovation lip-service and co-crafting innovation with our customers! We deliver the promises!

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Business Model Design - The New Innovation

The article on India Inc. in Businessweek
India Inc.: A Lesson in Business Design
Ambitious, resourceful, and unencumbered by convention, India offers the world a dramatic demonstration of business design
Heather Fraser

The article explains the resurgence of new energy in making things happen. I think the business model is a amazing area for innovation - and more of it is based on making collaboration happen.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Articles from Crafitti in Realinnovation and TRIZ Journal

Crafitti Consulting ( has been seeing publications in open journals. Below are some of the recent ones and may be of interest to the readers

1. Define and Quantify Customer Value - Reveal the Needs
The Elegant Solution and TRIZ
3. Implement a Holistic Patent Strategy for Maximum Value

May be of interest for the readers of Innovation Crafting !

This is my 400th Post to the Blog!
A Big Thanks to all the readers and contributors!

I promise to post regularly from November 10 2008 ! One per day post!

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