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My Book on Strategic Decision Making
Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Innovation, Ignorance, Serendipity and Letting it happen

The detailed post combining many points in the blogpost titled The emergence of Serendipity 2.0 and Innovation 2.0 gives multiple articulations by many on the concept of Innovation Emergence. The post starts with a simple para and I quote,
In the past many discoveries and innovations have come by accident or by chance, rather than a team hurting their heads with too much innovation think, “no matter how much I try I just can’t think of an innovation”. It doesn’t usually happen if you sit around doing nothing, it happens when you are involved in life, participating, interacting, only it’s not what your chasing, it’s what happened on the way, it’s what’s triggered, it’s the accidents (the gifts from the gods;) etc…

I liked the line "It doesn’t usually happen if you sit around doing nothing, it happens when you are involved in life, participating, interacting"

It is satisfying to note that the author found two posts from innovationcrafting to be quoted - it seems he found after the post was written and hence he included these afterwards

and second is the proposal to create an IGNORANCE MANAGEMENT Initiative

Continuous focus on trying to improve and change what you are doing leads to innovation and it happens through tinkering, failing, learning, experimenting and ultimately - LIVING!

The question to ask is - how many of us are living LIFE!


Anonymous said...

Excellent post! Innovation is emergent and is more similar to culture than to an aspect of culture. Thus guidelines, like my "GROW!" approach help innovation tremendously- we are developing metrics based upon this process.
What is it?
It’s based on the premise that humans are inherently creative and they are always looking for ways to make their jobs easier and more productive. Do the following and GROW!™ You’ll be creating/supporting a culture of innovation without needing a program.

*G*et out of the way!! Don’t let your ego get in the way. Let people be people and don’t stifle their need to improvise and come up with solutions!

*R*eward Risk taking and innovative thinking. Nothing helps innovation like knowing that someone has “got your back”

*O*bstacle removal. You’re trying to do everything at breakneck speed-get the obstacles to success out of the way so you don’t trip! What are the obstacles? Ask your people.

*W*ork and win! Nothing spurs innovation like confronting the problems of the day. Work hard and innovation will percolate.

The same rules apply to individuals as well- apply the acronym to yourself and watch the ideas flow!

Atul said...

i had written, albeit in a different context ... about the way social connections and the networks that emerge from there can be a stimulus for innovation ... and this is primarily because of the thought that innovation is there, all along, at all parts of the organization, and the most important thing organizations need to do is to listen ...

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