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My Book on Strategic Decision Making

My Book on Strategic Decision Making
Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process

Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Articles on Web - Published and Available

I thought will just consolidate my articles available on web. It gives me a view of where I have been going - what topics and what influences might have caught my fancy to write and seek publication.


1. Define and Quantify Customer Value - Reveal the Needs

Customer value is one of the least understood business concepts, yet it is a fundamental part of every business. It is important to start with a value net system of the business – before locking onto key customer needs. The customer value framework helps suppliers understand their clients and leads to success for both.

2. Global Complexity Challenges Innovative Enterprises

Research and experiments indicate that globally distributed enterprises need to focus on four key areas:

  • Customer value framework
  • Knowledge / information worker productivity
  • Decision engineering
  • Innovation crafting framework

These four areas need to be explored with a focused approach in order to adapt, adopt and thrive in the globalizing world. The article includes in-depth information on these four areas.

3.Strategic Project Management in GSD Scenarios

Increasing globalization indicates that the world will see an increase in global software development. Studying the global software development landscape, this article identifies six different global software development scenarios. These include, in-house – near-shore; in-house – offshore; outsourced – near-shore; outsourced – offshore; collaborative – near-shore and collaborative – offshore. In each of these scenarios the relative project management challenges and priorities are different. The following is Part Three of a three-part series. Part One discussed project management and global software development scenarios. Part Two explored methodology as well as outsourced and in-house software development projects.


4. The Elegant Solution and TRIZ

The Elegant Solution by Mathew May explores Toyota Motor's formula for innovation. This book shares unknown aspects of Toyota Motors, the Toyota Production System (TPS) and the Toyota product development process. The "elegant solution" discussed in the book and TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) share many commonalities.

5. Case Study: Use of TRIZ in Software Design

Using the ideality concept objective from TRIZ, the author proposes that it makes more sense to look at structural ideality than just achievement of function alone for software systems. The system complexity estimator was used for evaluating various design alternatives to evolve to a final software system that was closer to ideality. This approach not only produced a more robust and maintainable software product, it reduced the code size by more than half. This is a highly desirable result since the demands on software development productivity are intensifying. Further, the SCE framework can be used to minimize the complexity of other non-software products.

On SPIN Chennai, India

6. Principles that Stick

Toyota’s 14 lean principles have been culled out of long-term process improvement experiences and deep deployment initiatives in manufacturing scenarios. The software development processes at the observation level may be different, or at the abstract level may be same – debate is still on. However, keeping an open mind to observe and study the scenarios, situations and project organizations for providing software services, author has culled out seven interesting operational priniciples. These operational principles may not exactly match Toyata’s Lean principles, but are derived from successful and sometimes unsuccessful attempts in trying to apply them in the software world. The note describes these prinicples in brief and hope these 7 lenses will give a software value stream owner efficient tools to improve operational efficiency manifolds!


7. Business Method Patents - An Overview and Implications

Voiceanddata Mag

8. IPv6 - Driving Trends

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