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My Book on Strategic Decision Making

My Book on Strategic Decision Making
Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process

Monday, November 13, 2017

India's National Security - Key Factors - 1998, 2004 and 2017 - Networks and Nature of Earfare

How to Evaluate National Security?

The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) can be used as we described in our book.

India's National Security is impacted by the structural changes across many dimensions around the world.

1. In 1998, Feb, in a conference titled " Battle scene in Year 2020", I contributed 5 papers. From my paper titled Future of Warfare - Search for Military Doctrine - 5 high level factors that were perceived to impact India's National Security were 

(a) Power System (b) Technological Systems (c)  Economic-Commercial Systems (d) Geo-political system (e) Social System

2. In 2004, Feb, in my book" Strategic Decision Making - Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process", these factors were expanded/modified to 6  high level factors that were perceived to impact India's National Security were 

(a) Power System (b) Technological Systems (c)  Economic-Commercial Systems (d) Geo-political system (e) Social System (f) Organizational Forms (emergence of Network form)

Use of AHP for national security evaluation as described in our book has been recommended by others (for example Here)  
3. In 2017, Nov, During the CUG-Carnegie Workshop on Strategic Issues for young scholars at Gandhinagar, these factors were expanded/modified to 7  high level factors that are perceived to impact India's National Security till the year 2025

(a) Power System (b) Technological Systems (c)  Economic-Commercial Systems (d) Geo-political system (e) Social System (f) Organizational Forms (emergence of Network form) (g) Changing Form of Warfare

In the last 20 years - one can see two main trends

(a) Emergence and prevalence of Network form of organization
(b) Nature of Warfare has changed drastically

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