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My Book on Strategic Decision Making

My Book on Strategic Decision Making
Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process

Monday, March 31, 2008

Intellectual Capital

In the rapidly globalizing world of continuous change and cutthroat competition, every enterprise searches for competitive advantage. In this world the only resource a modern enterprise possesses is its quick and accurate decision-making capability.

Knowledge, Ideation, Creativity and Innovation in the enterprise needs to be tapped and harnessed in a systematic manner to create a future proof enterprise. The know-(how, what and why), business processes, Information Systems, databases, decision-making systems and organizational structure forms what are called Intellectual Assets. These assets need to enmesh with the human capital, convert it into value for the enterprise and its end customers in combination with its complementors, customers, suppliers and even competitors.

The value created by this interplay of Human Capital and Intellectual Assets needs to be protected, leveraged, and converted into Intellectual Property (IP) for attaining competitive advantage in the new world.

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