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My Book on Strategic Decision Making

My Book on Strategic Decision Making
Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process

Friday, March 28, 2008

Purpose of Education

Purpose of Education

Well to my mind it is not about teaching subjects, languages, skills or 3Rs (Reading, Writing and Arithmetic) - IT IS REALLY TWO FOLD

1. Help student solve problems - imparting in them problem solving skills
2. Learning to learn - How does the student learns and continuously learns is important

How to create Learning
- create relaxed minds - but make them alert to all changes, signals etc that they can pick (the Relaxed Alertness)
- expose them to multiple experiences - Life experiences are essential
- give them ability. methods and tools to process experiences that they had to cull out learning and imbibe within themselves.

I really believe teachers and students should look at these as the key objectives!

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