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My Book on Strategic Decision Making

My Book on Strategic Decision Making
Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Google Trends - India China

Since we are at Google Trends and flavor of the times is India and China - Just look at how India and China on Google Trends fare...

Seach Volume - India consistently outperforms China,

News Reference - There seems to be more News about China

May be China is not so open - and India is so open that what is India becomes very complex - hence individuals want to search more ....

Can anyone interpret these trends?

1 comment:

Rathnadhar.K.V. said...

Have you forgotten what you were PO?

Its always the manager who fire figths who gets the rewards/recognition/awards...not the manager who gets the project perfectly.

Similarly...the more noise China makes the more news it returns. India on other hand is a meek, docile and silent guy..its not a bad guy, but a servile guy..hence less news...

Why china...just compare with may be in for a nasty surprise....

Look Pak gets more money the more bad it is....

that is how the world works....

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