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My Book on Strategic Decision Making

My Book on Strategic Decision Making
Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process

Saturday, August 09, 2008

decision frameworks

Some years back Gartner published the Business Decision Frameworks (Not necessarily developed by Gartner)

1. SWOT Analysis

Framework for quickly isolating the key issues relevant to a business solution

2. Value Disciplines

Plots three areas in which a company may like to excel, each producing a different kind of value for customer

Operational excellence

Customer intimacy

Product leadership

3. Core Competencies matrix

A framework that identifies the existing core competencies or new core competencies that may be needed

4. Balanced Scorecard

A comprehensive measurement based approach that manages a business by measuring performance in 4 areas

5. Forces of Competition

five forces of competition that organization should keep on radar screen

6. Generic Competitive Strategies

7. Channel Conflict Strategy

8. Assess the impact of its channel partners

9. Enterprise wide information management Model

10. Mindset Differences

11. Value chain analysis

12. Seven S’s

13. Financial Services Strategic Planning Model

14. MIT 90’s Framework

15. Change Governance

16. Four Responses to Change

17. Typical hype curve


Four Futures Methodologies

Delphi Technique

Environmental Scanning

Issues Management

Emerging Issues Analysis


Scenario Writing

Crisis or Seminar Gaming

are some of the other techniques

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