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My Book on Strategic Decision Making

My Book on Strategic Decision Making
Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process

Friday, May 23, 2008

**“Six Sigma” can be a deadly enemy.

Says who?

(Can download the presentation from the link in the post here)

Just Reproducing one of the slides from the presentation (without permission)

**Beware of engineers! (Said with affection— I am one.)
**Beware of MBAs (Said with no affection, even though I am one.)
**The education bit is less about aesthetics and more about encouraging individualism—
to take a risk on design, you must have a burning desire to do things differently.
(Schools—ours, yours, everyone’s—are brilliant at suppressing creativity and
excessive shows of passion.)
**Capturing “best practice” only goes so far.
**“Six Sigma” can be a deadly enemy.

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