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My Book on Strategic Decision Making

My Book on Strategic Decision Making
Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Learning and amount of schooling in a year

Well the above linked study says there is no difference in a 9 month study + 3 month holidays Schools Vs 12 months schools with multiple holidays in between (The uniformly distributed holidays). The study of course says that total number of study days remain 180 for both scenarios.

I think learning is about Authentic Immersion into real life experiences and active processing of these experiences. How many authentic real life experiences are provided by the schools - I think the experiences need to be maximized rather than counting the number of days...

The schools that create more authentic, wider, real life experiences to kids - should be doing much better in the final score in life of the students...

May be business organizations - especially the PROCEES JUNKIES that we have been producing - have to realize that Process is not the panacea - it has to be the PEOPLE.... Make people above everything else - and build an organization that can stand the impact of changes, adapt to the changes and continuously evolve through learning... Making LEARNING CENTRAL to your organization.....

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